
Tuesday 30 June 2020


TASK DESCRIPTION: This work was from like week 9 or 10 and i just wanted to finish off this one. So what i did Is i read a story and out thing in it then i had to pick the 6 most important then I had to make up my own story by using those words that I picked.


TASK DESCRIPTION: Today this is my other work that I also wanted to finish off. So for this work I had to go take some photos of some  shape in the house and these are the only thing I can find in the house.

Isometric Name

TASK DESCRIPTION: Today in math class this was my other work that I wanted to finish off. So first I had to make all the letters in my name and then i had to cut it and then clue it on this black of paper. So this is what I did today in class.


TASK DESCRIPTION: Today in class I had to finish my math work. So I chose this work that  I can work on. What I did is I had to do order them in smallest to largest. So thats what I did in math class.

Friday 26 June 2020

Adding Dcipipes

Task Description: So today Me and Toni went to go record ourself doing our Math which was Adding Dicipies. Then when we started to record. What toni did is she started off by putting numbers on the white board and then we got the Decipipes and what ever number she put on the white board  we had to do figure it out with the Dicipipes. Also what we had to do is we just had to keep doing it until I understand how to do it. What I found really hard is when she gave we did really hard ones ( FOR EXAMPLE: 1.241)  I didn't know what to use the thousands or the hundredths so that's what I found really hard. What I found easy is when she gave me really easy ones and she gets the hard ones and then I got use to it and did some big numbers. So that's what I did today with Toni.

Thursday 25 June 2020

Money Task

Task Description: Today we did another task from the University of Auckland from the students teachers. When we finished the other task we had to do this money task. What I found hard was writing the numbers and letters. Also what I found really fun and easy was the last slide which was  making the money by copying and pasting it in the boxes. So that was our task for today from the students teacher from University of Auckland.

The Star Fishes

Task Desrciption: Today in reading  I had to read a book which was called ( The Star Fishes) Then I had to go make a copy of this google drawing and answer these questions.
Task Desrciption:Then for Our next task we had to make a paper fish and this is what I made. We had to make  a pap er fish because in the book Tataraimaka was going out fishing and he caught some fish and ate it.

Add Decimals

Task Description: Today In class we did maths and what we did is we had to some work from the University of auckland students teachers. So we did is they gave us this slide of the number line and we had to figure out the answer that they gave us.  It was very hard until I watched the video but then I still didn't understand a little. But when Mrs moala has showed us I found it a little bit easy.

Wednesday 24 June 2020

Writing Decimals

Task Description: Today we had to make a copy of this doc from the Universty of  Auckland. What we did is we had to fill in the space in these boxes. After that Mrs moala showed us the answer when we were finish.

Ordering Decimals

Task Description: Today in maths I had to go do a video with Toni. What we did is we had to write a Decimal on the white borad and also we had these Dicipipes. What me and Toni did is we had to use the Decipipes and we had to use those with the dicipipes. What I found hard was when we first started cs she started off with some hard ones then when we kept going I found it really easy to do now. So thats what I did today in math.


Task Description: Hello this is my animation about the water cycle, the water cycle is a process of making clouds, making it rain,or snow. It is a part of the Hydrosphere.

Monday 22 June 2020

Understanding Decimals.


Task Description:  Today In class we are doing reading. What we did is we  had to put something in that we already know about Matariki. Then we had to read a book about Matariki. I had toread my book which was the Matariki but it was easy to read because it only had one page. We also read the hawks groups book.  After we had read our books we had to put things what we learnt about the book that we had read. When we  finish putting things into the what I learnt box we had to move on to the What I knew box and that's what I put done. So that's what we did today.!

Friday 19 June 2020



Task Description: Today I did my name reflection and it was very hard to do so because I didn't know where the lines go on my name because my name is very long.


Identifying Shapes

Task Description: Today I have been learning about Shapes and what I had to do is circle the shapes that asked me to circle and what I found really hard was  when I was watching the video I didn't know what it was so I watched the video and I knew what rhombus is now.

Thursday 18 June 2020

Introduction to decimals

Task Description: Today for math we have been learning about decimals and for today's math  I have learnt that  the numbers on the left side is bigger than the right side.

Wednesday 17 June 2020


Multiply And Divide Integers

Task Description: Today for our math we have been learning about Multiplying and Dividing.  What I have been doing is we had to answer these hard and some easy questions. 

Adding Integers

Water cycle ( Reading )

Task Description: Today for our reading for our learning  task we had to draw a water cycle and after we have done that we had to do a video and we had to dance to this song water cycle.

Friday 12 June 2020


Task Description: Today we were learning about the Biosphere so now we have been learning about every sphere so what we learned was the  Atmosphere,Geosphere,Hydrosphere and now today we have been learning about the biosphere.

Monday 8 June 2020

Main Ideas

Task Description: Today me and my group, Leah,and Julia. What we did is we had to watch videos of Maui and we had seven choice we did Maui and the sun.