
Wednesday 2 December 2020

Pastel Art

Task Description: This is my pastel art the emotion I was showing was like a joyful emotion kinda . I use blue,Blue represents Sadness. and calmness.  I also  used red and yellow because represent Passion and happiness. So these are the colors i used for my ART.

Friday 13 November 2020



Task Description: Today we have been doing an amazing art work . I have created an master piece of my drawing . I have learnt that Andy Warhol did his drawing he will do 1 object,  top put on each sides with different colours.

Wednesday 4 November 2020

Three Little pigs

 Title: Three Little pigs

Intro: One day the three little pigs had to leave home. So the three little pigs left home, the first little pig chose straws to  make his house, the 2nd pig chose sticks to make his house and the third pig chose bricks. 

Info 1: Pig 1

The first little pig built his house out of straw. The first little pig saw a man with straws so the pig asked the man if he could have them so the man gave it to the pig. Also the pig thought it would be warm.Then the big bad wolf came and said “ little pigs little pigs let me in “ and then the pig said “ Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin I will not let you in” then  wolf said “ then i’ll huff  and i’ll puff and i’ll blow your house down” So the wolf did so the pig ran to the 2nd pigs house.

Info 2: Pig 2

The second pig made his house out of sticks.  The second little pig through a straw house would not be warm enough, so he decided to build himself a house made of sticks.Then the big bad wolf came and said “ little pigs little pigs let me in “ and then the pig said “ Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin I will not let you in” the wolf said “ then i’ll huff  and i’ll puff and i’ll blow your house down” So the wolf did so the pig ran to the 3rd pigs house.

Info 3: Pig 3

Lastly the last pig. The last pig wanted a house to be warm and strong so  the pig decided to make his house of bricks.And again  the big bad wolf came and said “ little pigs little pigs let me in “ and then the pig said “ Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin I will not let you in” the wolf said “ then i’ll huff  and i’ll puff and i’ll blow your house down” but the wolf couldn't blow his house down because the pig made his house of bricks .

Conclusion: So the wolf decided to go down the chimney but little did he know the 3 little pigs had a big pot of boiling water. So the big bad wolf came down the chimney and splash. So the big bad wolf ran off and never came back to bother the pigs.

How big is your Footprint,Greenhouses

Monday 19 October 2020

Facts about Niue

Task Description:This week is Niue Language week. Today I had to find some facts about Niue and here are the things I found out about Niue.


Thursday 15 October 2020

Line Graph

Task description:This is my line graphs about sales we had to get the right answer on each page on the last one we had to do a create task about our own line graphs we did seasons instead of items. So here is what we did we also asked the students on our class they mostly picked Christmas.


Task Description: Today we did Math we did this line graph we had to go on this Google drawing  and write some facts about this line graphs in action. I worked with Aaliah and Punaiuru. So here is what we did.


Wednesday 23 September 2020

Covid Wellness Plan


Task Description: Today we had to go on google drawing and draw what ever we wanted I chose a light bulb. We had to this but this instead of  Te Whare Tapa Wha we had to make it like this by using our own words. So I did Family Activities ,Safety,Cooking with family , and Exercise and these are the things we list for them.


Friday 18 September 2020

Wednesday 29 July 2020

Building our Understanding of Decimals

Myth & Legend


Task Description: Today for literacy we had  to  write  3 goals to achieve in literacy. For my first goal I choose  ( To not talk or laugh when it's not about our work) I picked this  because I talk and laugh to much with some friends. My next goal was ( To try and finish my work  on time) I picked this one because   sometimes I don't finish it on time and sometimes I do finish it on time. When I  don't finish on time that's when I talk  or laugh so that's why I have that one for my first one.  My last goal is ( To understand what we are doing) I chose this one cause I sometime don't listen  and when I don't listen I don't know what we are doing. So these are my 3 goals for literacy.

Tuesday 28 July 2020


Task Description: Today for Math we did this  this activity and what we had to do is  had  to go in a group and I was with Toni  and Leah. We had  to use these triangle paper and we had to make it like a hexagon.  How we did is we had some numbers on the triangle and we had to match it. It was really hard because some were military time. What I need to work on is knowing my military time.

Friday 24 July 2020

My Myth passport

Task Description: Today team 5 has just finished going to different classes to learn about Myth and Legends and something about their country. Today was our last day of rotating in different classes. My last class was with Mr Tapuke . Today with Mrs tapuke I learnt that the 3 giants  are actually the mountain the big one and strong giant is the table mountain. Our team first started with our home class/Math class teacher. I was with Mrs Moala. Mrs Moala was doing Paul Bunyan is a American legend.I learnt that Paul Bunyan was a huge/Big baby when he was little. Next my class went to Mrs Tipene which was Jamaica. I learnt in Jamaica was that Kingston is the capital of Jamaica. After going to Mrs Tipene class,the next day we went to Mrs Stone class  we were learning about Greece. I learnt that Hercules killed his family. On that same day we went to Mrs Ilaoa. Mrs Ilaoa was teaching us about Cambodia. I learnt that in Cambodia they don't have any Mc  Donald there and they have expensive funerals.We then moved to Mrs Tele'a  class. Mrs tele'a was teaching us an Romantic  myth she was the only teacher that picked an romantic myth. She also that she choose that country because her last name had to do something in this country.  Mrs Tele'a teach  us about Croatia. In Mrs tele'as class I learnt that Croatia  is shaped as a dragon

Wednesday 22 July 2020

Cambodian Myth of Lightning,Thunder and Rain

After going to Mrs Stone we went to Mrs Ilaoa's  class. Mrs Ilaoa was teaching us about Cambodia . It was very fun getting to know things about Cambodia, Greece with Mrs stone , Jamaica with Mrs Tipene and my teacher Mrs Moala about USA. Today we watched a video and after we  watched the video we had  to move these pictures or words that were in a box and moved it to the right order. After that we stood up and did a little exercise,After that we moved on to making a poster about Cambodia. So that is what I had done in Mrs Ilaoas class today for inquiry.

Greek Mythology

Task Description: Today we learned about Greek with  Mrs Stone.  We did kahoot in the middle of  our lesson. Today I learnt that  Heracles. killed his family  and that  the Olympic was made from Greek.

Monday 20 July 2020

Immersion Assembly

Today for Term 3 we  started off with an immersion assembly to find out what was our theme and for our theme
it is A world of Difference. First we started off with Mr Burt. Mr Burt was showing us all of his hats that he
collects while going to different countries. What I liked about Mr burt one is how he showed Mrs Burts things
that she dances with. After Mr Burt Mr Jacobson went next.  Mr Jacobson was wearing Scottish clothes  and he
also got his army shit from an army shop. What I Like about Mr Jacobson show was how he showed us  his dress.
Next was Mr Sommerville, Mr Sommervilles was talking about his family, his family was some knights. I liked
Mr Somerville's  one because his family was knights.  Now we moved on to our teams  first and we  started off
with  team 1. Team 1  was children around the world. What I liked about Team 1 was how the teachers were
dressed  up like  little kids.   Team 2 item  was New Zealand > Dora the explorer. What  I  liked about  Team 2
items was that on  one of them was the skating and dora > Mrs Carter  got the moping sticks.  Team 3 Item was
an amazing race around the world.  What  I liked about Team 3 was at the end Mrs king was out because she
came last.  After Team 3 it was team 4. Team 4  was google  earth > foods of the world. What  I Liked Team for
is that they are eating food. Next was  Team 5.Team 5 item is  Sina  and the eel > Myths and legends. What I
liked about Team 5 was how Mrs  Tapuke chopped the eels head  and then the coconut rolled to Sina. So that's
what we did for Immersion assembly.

Here is a photo of Mr burt with  his hats.
Here is  Mr Jacobsons photo of him wearing his clothes.

And here is teams five item  Sina and the eel.  

Thursday 2 July 2020

No Mirrors In Nana's House

Today in class I had to go on Storyline Online and I had to pick a story. So I was scrolling down and I saw this  story called No mirrors In nana's house and the people that was reading it there from the movie Sister Sister. Then I had to answer these Question and publish it on to my blog. So this is what I did today for my reading.

Wednesday 1 July 2020

Reading scales


Today this is my last task for math that I did because I finished my work. What I found really  hard
was answering some of the question but it was really fun learning/Video  about the millilitre time. SO that is what I did today.

cube video

Task description: this term we were told to make a cube for our math i was working with punaiuru,we first got some paper and made the cube thingy with a pencil, after that you cut it out with the scissors. after that we put it  together with tape and that's how you make a cube thanks for watching. 

Venn Diagram

TASK DESCRIPTION: So this is another work that I also wanted to finish so this is basically like the other one ( The Summarising one)  So this is what I did for today's task.


TASK DESCRIPTION: Today in our class I had to finish off my work which is this because for our writing we were suppose to write about Ki-O-Rahi but I wasn't  here on that day when they did Ki-O-Rahi. So Mrs Moala told me to write about Matariki. I also Put some of my photos that I did at Matariki.


Tuesday 30 June 2020


TASK DESCRIPTION: This work was from like week 9 or 10 and i just wanted to finish off this one. So what i did Is i read a story and out thing in it then i had to pick the 6 most important then I had to make up my own story by using those words that I picked.


TASK DESCRIPTION: Today this is my other work that I also wanted to finish off. So for this work I had to go take some photos of some  shape in the house and these are the only thing I can find in the house.

Isometric Name

TASK DESCRIPTION: Today in math class this was my other work that I wanted to finish off. So first I had to make all the letters in my name and then i had to cut it and then clue it on this black of paper. So this is what I did today in class.


TASK DESCRIPTION: Today in class I had to finish my math work. So I chose this work that  I can work on. What I did is I had to do order them in smallest to largest. So thats what I did in math class.

Friday 26 June 2020

Adding Dcipipes

Task Description: So today Me and Toni went to go record ourself doing our Math which was Adding Dicipies. Then when we started to record. What toni did is she started off by putting numbers on the white board and then we got the Decipipes and what ever number she put on the white board  we had to do figure it out with the Dicipipes. Also what we had to do is we just had to keep doing it until I understand how to do it. What I found really hard is when she gave we did really hard ones ( FOR EXAMPLE: 1.241)  I didn't know what to use the thousands or the hundredths so that's what I found really hard. What I found easy is when she gave me really easy ones and she gets the hard ones and then I got use to it and did some big numbers. So that's what I did today with Toni.

Thursday 25 June 2020

Money Task

Task Description: Today we did another task from the University of Auckland from the students teachers. When we finished the other task we had to do this money task. What I found hard was writing the numbers and letters. Also what I found really fun and easy was the last slide which was  making the money by copying and pasting it in the boxes. So that was our task for today from the students teacher from University of Auckland.

The Star Fishes

Task Desrciption: Today in reading  I had to read a book which was called ( The Star Fishes) Then I had to go make a copy of this google drawing and answer these questions.
Task Desrciption:Then for Our next task we had to make a paper fish and this is what I made. We had to make  a pap er fish because in the book Tataraimaka was going out fishing and he caught some fish and ate it.

Add Decimals

Task Description: Today In class we did maths and what we did is we had to some work from the University of auckland students teachers. So we did is they gave us this slide of the number line and we had to figure out the answer that they gave us.  It was very hard until I watched the video but then I still didn't understand a little. But when Mrs moala has showed us I found it a little bit easy.

Wednesday 24 June 2020

Writing Decimals

Task Description: Today we had to make a copy of this doc from the Universty of  Auckland. What we did is we had to fill in the space in these boxes. After that Mrs moala showed us the answer when we were finish.

Ordering Decimals

Task Description: Today in maths I had to go do a video with Toni. What we did is we had to write a Decimal on the white borad and also we had these Dicipipes. What me and Toni did is we had to use the Decipipes and we had to use those with the dicipipes. What I found hard was when we first started cs she started off with some hard ones then when we kept going I found it really easy to do now. So thats what I did today in math.


Task Description: Hello this is my animation about the water cycle, the water cycle is a process of making clouds, making it rain,or snow. It is a part of the Hydrosphere.

Monday 22 June 2020

Understanding Decimals.


Task Description:  Today In class we are doing reading. What we did is we  had to put something in that we already know about Matariki. Then we had to read a book about Matariki. I had toread my book which was the Matariki but it was easy to read because it only had one page. We also read the hawks groups book.  After we had read our books we had to put things what we learnt about the book that we had read. When we  finish putting things into the what I learnt box we had to move on to the What I knew box and that's what I put done. So that's what we did today.!

Friday 19 June 2020



Task Description: Today I did my name reflection and it was very hard to do so because I didn't know where the lines go on my name because my name is very long.


Identifying Shapes

Task Description: Today I have been learning about Shapes and what I had to do is circle the shapes that asked me to circle and what I found really hard was  when I was watching the video I didn't know what it was so I watched the video and I knew what rhombus is now.

Thursday 18 June 2020

Introduction to decimals

Task Description: Today for math we have been learning about decimals and for today's math  I have learnt that  the numbers on the left side is bigger than the right side.

Wednesday 17 June 2020


Multiply And Divide Integers

Task Description: Today for our math we have been learning about Multiplying and Dividing.  What I have been doing is we had to answer these hard and some easy questions. 

Adding Integers

Water cycle ( Reading )

Task Description: Today for our reading for our learning  task we had to draw a water cycle and after we have done that we had to do a video and we had to dance to this song water cycle.

Friday 12 June 2020


Task Description: Today we were learning about the Biosphere so now we have been learning about every sphere so what we learned was the  Atmosphere,Geosphere,Hydrosphere and now today we have been learning about the biosphere.

Monday 8 June 2020

Main Ideas

Task Description: Today me and my group, Leah,and Julia. What we did is we had to watch videos of Maui and we had seven choice we did Maui and the sun.

Friday 29 May 2020



Today challenge was taha Whanau and I had to talk about a person in my family and i chose my mum and these are some of her things she likes to do.

Thursday 28 May 2020


Today's challenge is Taha Waurua. What we did is we had to go on google drawing and we had to put something we like about like a bible,poem or even a quote.What I choose is The Book Of Mormon and a quote.

Properties of shapes

Narrative Writing

PART 1:Far far away there was a happy volcano and a whale splashing in the nice water.. The happy volcano was erupting and he was on an island filled with lots of trees around him and big branches and flowers making the volcano nice and warm. Around the volcano there were pretty things around him and even the sky was a nice blue sky making his flowers and trees smell nice. The volcano had a very  weird shape and he looked very old. Also there were some very fluffy  clouds floating around while the whale was jumping up.

PART:2 Suddenly the volcano looked very sad. There weren't any whales around
him and any whales around the volcano. The  volcano exploited some gas
that came out of the volcano. The volcano erupted very loud and everything
moved and then suddenly the water was getting higher and the volcano was
getting smaller because the water was getting higher.. When the volcano
erupted sadly there weren't any animals like the birds and even the whale wasn't
splashing in the water or anything near the volcano and then the volcano felt very
sad and lonely because there weren't  any animals near him and making him smile.

PART 3:On the same day as it was getting very dark the volcano was still sad until he heard something near it. When the volcano was looking he noticed that something was growing so he felt something on him and he saw this black thing with him. The volcano didn’t care cause he thought it was sewed even though the sewed is green. He noticed that it wasn't going away and instead of sewed  it was hair. He yelled very loudly “I’m a girl” then everything changed. She had a chawline that was perfect and she got very skinny and didn’t have a weird looking shape. She was sad because she lost her friends and lost her family. That's why she was smiling when the whales were splashing in the water. The next day she got very big and she even exploited again and all the sand or ash came up. When the volcano erupted she noticed that the water was getting smaller and she could see her beautiful trees and flowers. Even the whales came back splashing.

Wednesday 27 May 2020

Taha Hinengaro

Today in room 1 our class we had to close our eyes  and meditate on our chair while listening to Nina talking and her relaxing  music.

Friday 1 May 2020


Tectonic Plates

Task Decription: So today I  was learing about Tectonic plates and what I had to do I had to find out WHAT ARE TECTONIC PLATES, HOW DO VOLCANOES ERUPT,WHATCAUSES AN EARTHQUAKE. So on this slide show this is my working about all the things that I needed to find out. I had to watch the videos to find the things i needed to do.


Task Decription: So today I was leanring about the Geosphere and this is what I leant. So what I leant is that the earth is divied into three differnt parts which is the Geosphere,atmosphere and the hydrosphere.

Structure of the Earth

WALT: Skim and scan to locate information in a text.

Task Description: Today I was learing about the structure of the Earth. What I learnt is that the crust occupies less than 1% of the earth volume. Also I leant that the inner core is the hottest part of the earth and it is as hot as the surfuce of the sun.

Thursday 23 April 2020


Task Decription: So today I did my Taha Tinana challenge and this was all about getting fit and doing excrise but instead of doing whater we had to do it by our name. Also it showed us our house captins for 2020 and my least exercises was the push ups and my favourite exercises was the running on spot and the star jumps because it was very easy to do.


Task Decription: So today I was finishing off my work and did this. So as you can see I had to create any kinds of shape and we had pencil and paper and this is what I put down on my paper but some are missing. This pictures about my blog post on the top.

We are the world

Task Decription: So for inquiry what I did today I have been learing about the earth and so this is a slideshow about what I want to know about the earth and what I already know about the earth. In this slideshow I learnt that the earth moves fast and inside its not moving fast its just normal and smooth.

Kei te pehea Koe?

WALT: To ask and answer questions about how we feel.

Task description: So today I am doing my Te Reo Moari slideshow, and in this slideshow I watch a video and it was a song,and in the song it said Kei te pehea and kei te pai ahau.  Then on slide 5 I had to complete the word. But i didn't know what it meaned so I went on gogle and searched it up and thats how I got my words.

Tuesday 21 April 2020

Statistical Graphs

WALT:Extract Information from a range of graphs.

Today I learnt about differnt graphs some were very hard and confusing. My favourite graph was the bar graph.

Wednesday 15 April 2020

Statistical Graphing

WALT: Create and Read statistical Graphs.

Task Decription: Today what I had to chose which gragh is better and three things good about the gragh.

Wednesday 8 April 2020

Six Sentences

1.Once upon a time there lived a girl named Riley.She lived in America and she went to the beach. Her talent was swimming. On a hot sunny day Riley went down to the beach and went to go surfing by herself because she didn't have any friends. When she finished surfing she went to a special place where you can go and eat ( so basically a restaurants)

2.When she went inside the restaurants. She saw lots of people in there so she went to go sit on the table. She felt so lonely so she called her mother to come and eat with her. Riley stayed there for about 3 minutes to 4 minutes but that wasn’t that long. Then Riley was her mom so she called her over to come and sit down with her.

3.When Riley and her mother sat down they wanted to order. So
in their menu there were refreshing drinks they had. Water,Juice,
Smoothie,and soft drinks.
So Riley ordered a fanta
soft drink and her mother ordered juice.
Then for their plate of
food in the menu there was a junior cheese
burger with some curly fries,a pizza,spaghetti with meatballs.

4.So Riley ordered a junior cheeseburger with curly fries and Riley's mom ordered the same thing as Riley. When they had ordered their order they were just talking about Riley getting friends.Then their order cam and they just kept on eating. Then it was their dessert time they had chocolate cake with chocolate ice cream,A plain vanilla cupcake with a strawberry milkshake. When they ordered they went home.

5.The next morning Riley went back to the beach and went for
a surf. When she was surfing Riley did some awesome surfing
skills so these girls went up to her and told Riley to hang out
with them. So on that day Riley went out with them . Then
when they all finished doing their things she went back home.
When she worked up she felt very happy and glad so her and her
new friends hanged out everyday.

6.When Riley hung out with her friends a lot she was
happy that she had lots of friends.
Riley had a very happy life  and she was so proud that
she had friends. Riley never wanted to have no friends because
when she had no friends she was all sad. But now she has
friends. She is very happy and she just keeps on smiling.

Wednesday 18 March 2020


So what we did we went in a group in 5 and i had Jazzelle,Rozdaiah,Quincess,Cassius,Francis So what my group did was we opened a google form and we made options for the other people to choose places to go to for the year 7’s.

Tuesday 17 March 2020

Narrative Writing

Once upon a time, there was a mermaid named Ava. She was swimming to go find
some food when she found some food that she wanted. She turned around and she
couldn't find the way home. So she just keeps on swimming until she finds her way

 But then she got tired so she looked for a rock and went to sleep on the rock.
When she woke up she was not on the rock she was in a dark place she stood up
and she went for a swim in the house . But she still didn't know where she was
so she tried and tried to find her way out but then she got very tired so she just
sat down. A few days later she was very tired and hungry but she remembered she
had some food with her. 

So she swam up to that room she was in and she was very happy because she
was eating. While she was eating the food the door shut and she was very scared
at the time when the door shut by itself. When the door shut she tried to open the
window. She couldn't open the window. So she tried looking for something and pushing
the walls but there was a ladder there and she did the ladder and she climbed on it
because there was a window. She opened the window and she was free!!! When she
got out she went and she didn't ever want to go to sleep again.

How to Respect others

Have you ever thought about respecting others? Well today I am going to tell you all about looking after our school.

So today I am going to tell you guys how to respect others. How you can respect others is when they are lonely you could go ask them to come play with you.Another word for respecting others is to be kind to them. What I mean by being kind is when they need something and they don’t know where it is  you could always go get it for them.

Also by being kind is to respect them and always ask them if they need help but make sure you don’t do it you just show them how to do it. Another way to respect them is by not making fun of them and not teasing them.You have to respect other people's property as well.Also never take anything if it isn’t yours also give it back to them.

Finally you have to always respect them with kindness and always respect them even though you might not talk to them or you might not know them. Being respectful is always having fun with them and being respectful to them.

So today I have written how to respect others and by respecting others you have to be
kind to them and not give them ugly things and give them looks to them,
always smile at them or just say Hi. 
I want to know how do you respect others?? 
And what do you do to respect them??